
Common Myths during Job Hunting—DEBUNKED

Sep. 30, 2022

For fresh graduates, the thought of job hunting may seem confusing. Naturally, knowing how to start the process of job applications can be a bit tricky, and job seekers may rely on old, outdated methods to go about it.


Here’s a few common myths about job huntingdebunked!


“You may have less chances of getting hired because you’re a fresh grad”

Nothing can be more false than this. Every year the job market increases due to the onset of fresh graduates from different schools. Recruiters and Hiring Managers are more empathetic than you think when it comes to considering fresh graduates for positions. In fact, there are certain roles targeted specifically for fresh graduates to help kickstart their careers. 


“Employers may prefer candidates from certain schools”

There are certain notions that fresh graduates can feel intimidated by and one of them is school preferential treatment. Although there may be aspiring applicants from a specific school people may deem ‘prestigious’, at the end of the day employers will still look at the candidates’ potential and how well they did in the application process for the position.


“You should accept the first job offer you receive”

For job seekers who have been going through job applications one after another, the looming pressure starts to kick in, and sometimes may trigger them to take the first job that comes in. 

Albeit, it may be difficult to go through the extensive processes, it’s better to get to know the company and role you’re applying for before jumping in just because it’s the first one that came through your door.


“Following up your application may come off as annoying”

Most recruiters spend their entire day going through applications, there’s a chance that yours may have been missed. And it’s not your fault! Sometimes, certain roles just have higher interested applicants than others.

If this does happen, don’t be afraid to send a gentle reminder on the status of your application. Just make sure not to bombard your recruiter’s email so as to avoid flooding their inbox!


“No one will hire me”

When you’ve sent in all your applications and still get no response, all hope may seem lost. The fear of rejection and feeling like you’re never going to get a job settles in, but you are far from wrong.

Try assessing yourself what you can do to gain interview invites. Reevaluate your resume, cover letter, or whatever attachment you’ve been sending out. Always remember that there are various job vacancies out there, probably just waiting for you!


These common myths may have been true at some point in the past, but job hunting evolves just like everything else. So don’t fret! 


And you never know, your next job interview just might be around the corner! In the meantime, reading a few tips and tricks on acing it never hurt anyone. 


For fresh graduates out there, send in your applications at Asticom to help you kickstart your careers with us!


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