
Every Job seeker’s must-haves!

Nov. 11, 2022

As fresh graduates, it might feel overwhelming to start your job hunting journey. Certain questions such as “What jobs should I apply for?” or “Where do I start looking for jobs?” can arise.

But don’t worry, here are a few job seeker must-haves that can serve as a guide for all fresh graduates and first time job seekers to help your job hunting process way easier.

  • Resume

Before anything else, your resume is one of the most important aspects of your job application. Your resume serves as one of your recruiter’s initial lenses into you and your background. Having a resume is a definite must-have since it’s a universal requirement for almost every job you might encounter.

  • Cover Letter

A cover letter is a one-page document sent together with a resume during the application process. The cover letter provides personal information, past experiences, and your motives for joining the organization. Sometimes the cover letter isn’t necessarily needed, unless your desired company says otherwise, but it certainly helps! It may give you a better chance of getting noticed by the recruiter. A cover letter can also be your opportunity to write something more profound about yourself that wasn’t included in your resume.

  • Portfolio

If you’re applying for specific roles that require sample work, having a portfolio is essential must-have. A portfolio’s content may range from sample writings or graphics edited, or even designs you’ve tried to run a website. Highlighting your work can help your application have a better chance of callbacks.

  • Government-mandated requirements (SSS, TIN, NBI Clearance, etc)

For fresh graduates, it’s also a need to have the basic government documents that every employer asks for. Although some companies do process other government-mandated documents, such as TIN or Pag-IBIG. Files such as NBI Clearance or Transcript of Records most of the time are left to the job seeker’s responsibility to process that on their own.

But luckily for first time job seekers, DOLE issued a policy under the First Time Jobseekers Assistance Act, wherein fresh graduates or those who are looking for jobs for the first time are waived from the fees of government-issued documents and clearances.

So if you’re a first time job seeker, make use of this regulation to help lessen the financial aspect of your job hunting venture.

  • Online presence

It’s a must-have to build your presence online. Since the hit of the pandemic (and even way before that), the majority of us have transitioned to the digital realm. Most job applications are now handled in a virtual setting, which also means recruiters and hiring managers will be able to see your profile before actually meeting you for a potential interview.

Having an online presence will help potential employers get to know you better and also vet how you present yourself online. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to fully transform your profiles into a strictly professional one, but keeping it as concise and simple as possible can definitely help in your personal brand as well.


Keep in mind all these must-haves to help you in your job hunting endeavors. And for our first time job seekers out there, try out your luck and send in an application through our website!

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