
How to be Sustainable in the Workforce

Oct. 14, 2022

As people continue to live day by day, news and information on global warming and climate change continue to be unavoidable. In order to address these ongoing issues, humans have done their own efforts to save the environment, and this has translated into corporations as well.


Many companies place a great deal of emphasis on sustainability, which includes utilizing renewable energy sources, cutting waste, and launching recycling initiatives.


Organizations place a strong emphasis on ethical business practices that meet today’s needs while planning for the future. But if employees aren’t involved in the process, these efforts won’t be very effective.


Why is Sustainability important?


As humans, sustainability has a lot of advantages, both to us and to our environment. If more sustainable decisions are not taken, we won’t be able to protect our planet’s ecosystems or carry on as we already do. It’s a possibility that humanity will run out of fossil fuels, many animal species will go extinct, and the atmosphere will be permanently harmed if detrimental processes are kept up without any changes. 


The advantages of sustainability include the expansion of resources that can be relied upon, pure and clear water, and clean air and nontoxic atmospheric conditions.


 What initiatives can you do at the workplace to help in making sustainable efforts? Try out some of these tips!


  • Bring your own tumblers and utensils


To start in your own little ways, bringing your own tumblers and utensils to work can help kickstart your journey to sustainable living. When at work, it may seem unavoidable when you have lunch outs with your workmates, but bringing your own water jug can also help you save up, as you won’t have to worry about what drinks to order. Not only did you help the environment, but you also saved some money too!


  • Reduce Food Waste


Food waste is more common than you think. In fact nearly one-third of the world’s food is wasted every year. Not only is throwing away leftover food a waste of money, but it also contributes to an increase in trash in general. 


If you have leftover food, instead of throwing them away you can save it for dinner time or you can use it for animal feeding. There are also other methods for you to dispose of your food waste, such as delivering it to facilities that decompose food waste. But you can start your own initiatives of turning your kitchen waste into compost at the comfort of your homes by watching or reading tutorials at home.


  • Go Plastic Free


Another change you can instill on yourself and start at work is going plastic free. Plastic is one of the main contributors to waste, and affects climate change altogether. Going plastic free by using paper bags or even bringing your own lunch box to keep your food in can be the start of a small step of the big changes for our environment. 


  • Initiate recycling programs


Once you’ve started your individual efforts, you can pass it on to other people in your organization and maybe even initiate programs or events centered on sustainability. This not only motivates other people, but it can also be a beginning of more sustainable efforts from the company you’re in general.


  • Start living Sustainably!


Now that you’ve started your sustainability journey at work, it’s time to put that effort at home and live it. Once you’re used to making a conscious effort in saving the environment, it will eventually translate into your everyday life, and hopefully influence other people in the process.


Follow these sustainability tips and see how one small change in your life can lead to a big impact on the world we’re living in!


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