
Job Hunting in the New Normal

Feb. 17, 2023

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck back in 2020, everyone was left with no choice but to adjust to staying at home and making sure not to catch the virus. With this shift, the everyday tasks we’ve been accustomed to doing have also changed, including job hunting.


The act of job seeking went from going through interviews onsite to transitioning into online interviews and scouting for potential jobs on websites. Although the use of social media and the internet has already been growing, the pandemic increased its growth exponentially.


With the new job-hunting norms, these are some of the few tips that may come in handy when you face your next job-seeking opportunity in the new normal.

  • Invest in a good internet provider.


Even as we’re transitioning now to more face-to-face activities, there seems to be a silent agreement on the idea of job interviews being held remotely. With that, equipping yourself with a good internet connection can definitely help you in your job search and possible job interviews.


  • Prepare yourself.


The pandemic has definitely changed the way companies do job interviews, so preparing yourself as to how recruiters may contact you is important. For some, phone interviews are conducted so make sure your mobile number is updated, and for others, job interviews also come with a skills test. There’s no harm in polishing up your memory or practicing for possible scenarios that may come up.


  • Check company requirements.


When you find a job that you think is ideal for you, it’s essential to read the organization’s candidate requirements. While some companies still require applicants to wear masks, others may not. Other businesses may also be strict when it comes to vaccination status. Looking up these kinds of information is not only necessary, but it can also help you determine whether or not you’re aligning with what the company is looking for.


  • Don’t be afraid to build connections.


Since the pandemic has made us grow accustomed to the online realm, building connections online was encouraged. For some, this may feel intimidating especially since it’s difficult to read people when you don’t see them face to face, but this can also help job seekers find potential jobs.


  • Be flexible.


Although everyone has been used to the digital setup, there are instances where activities and events are slowly going back to what we deemed normal before, but still with restrictions. In this case, knowing how to be flexible by working remotely and as well as on-site can be something you can highlight to your potential employers.


With these reminders in hand, job hunting in the new normal won’t seem so difficult once you get the hang of it!


Sign up to our new platform https://nxt.acquiro.com.ph/ to discover new job opportunities in the new normal!

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