
The In Demand Careers of 2023

Dec. 28, 2022

For first-time job seekers, the question of “What Career Path should I take?” is probably the most difficult question to answer. Although some fresh graduates already have an idea of what they want to pursue right after college, there are some who are still confused about what industry or role they should enter.

Additionally, there are a lot of factors that you should consider when choosing which career path to take. But what are the in-demand careers for 2023 (and possibly for the coming years)?

  • Data analyst

Being a Data analyst is one of the most accessible fields to enter right now as it commonly requires only a basic understanding of computer processing tools (which can be learned through training and studying on your own). Hence, Data Entry Specialists are among the most sought-after jobs in the Philippines.

  • Social Media Manager

As social media has become a need for businesses to establish a presence online, mastering how to operate it is a talent employers value. So it’s expected someone manages a company’s social media accounts. Social Media Managers are in charge of posting, brainstorming content ideas, and perhaps even looking for new social media networks to join.

  • Customer Service Representative

Since many international firms outsource their operations to Southeast Asia to manage the calls and emails, especially during peak seasons, Business Process Outsourcing, most commonly known as BPOs, is constantly recruiting customer service representatives, even ones that are welcome for fresh graduates.

  • Web Developer

Along with Data Analysts, Web Developers are also one of the in-demand careers of 2023. Web developers are mostly in charge of creating and maintaining websites. They also manage the site’s technical components like performance and capacity, which are indicators of a website’s speed and ability to handle traffic.

  • Marketing Practitioner

Lastly, Marketing professionals help companies achieve their marketing objectives. They are in charge of studying and identifying crucial methods that will attract greater attention to their organization. They also plan marketing strategies to make their brand more appealing to potential buyers.

Although sought-after jobs may change over time, job seekers eyeing the chosen roles mentioned above can be assured that the industry they’re entering will be one that they not only be interested in but can also be one that may compensate them well.

Interested in the job positions? Check some of them out here!

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