
The In-demand Skills of 2023

Dec. 02, 2022

As fresh graduates, it’s vital for you to know the ins and outs of the industry you’re planning to work in. This means learning or possibly honing your skills. Especially now that technology continues to expand and transitions may be moving faster than ever, it’s crucial to know what’s fresh in the market.

But before that, what are some of the in-demand skills you need to know for 2023 and even the next coming years?


  • Data Analytics 

There is no denying that with the boom of technology, the need for skills to handle it comes as well. Data and information have evolved, wherein companies right now also scout for potential data analysts to inspect and evaluate information in order to improve their marketing efforts.


  • Social Media Management

Since social media has become a necessity for companies to have a digital presence, learning how to manage it is skill companies seek and consider highly. Social media management ranges from delivering posts, seeing what’s trending on the internet, brainstorming for any content ideas, and even being on the lookout for up-and-coming social media sites that you can potentially tap.


  • SEO Writing

Search engine optimization, also abbreviated as SEO, is the process of optimizing your website in order to boost its visibility when people use search engines to look for items or services linked to your business. It’s knowing which keywords to use for landing pages or website blogs.


  • Digital Marketing

Just like technology, marketing has evolved from mere print ads and traditional ways of promotion. Digital marketing encapsulates other skills, such as making content for social media, email marketing, customer relationship management (CRM), etc.


  • Graphic Design

Lastly, if you’re interested in entering a creative field,  knowing how to edit and design is also a sought-after skill that companies are looking for. Having graphic design skills can be a big boost for job seekers, especially if you have sample works to back it up.


Overall, the demand for skills in the workforce can evolve over time, but keeping these skills in mind and possibly learning it doesn’t hurt!


Have some skills mentioned above but are unsure of what path to take? Read here to help you choose which career path to take.

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